Istanbul’s Urban Transformation from a Historical Perspective

Seminario di Gözde Orhan per Scienze per la Pace

Lunedì 2 maggio 2022, dalle 16:15 alle 18:00, nell’Aula B1 di Palazzo Carità via Paoli 15  nell’ambito dei seminari dei corsi di laurea in Scienze per la Pace e del Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace (CISP), si terrà il seminario Istanbul’s Urban Transformation from a Historical Perspective. Relatrice sarà Gözde Orhan.

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This presentation examines two important processes that Istanbul has gone through since the beginning of the 20th century. First, with the disintegration of the empire and the construction of a new nation-state, Istanbul lost its status as a capital city and transformed from an Islamic capital into a secular nation-state city. The second is its rapid opening to capital and its expansion towards the peripheries in the neoliberalization process after 1980. This was accompanied by the fact that the party, which was the representative of political Islam, won the municipal administration of the city. Thus, Istanbul has been reproduced with new codes and symbols since the mid-90s. This study will critically examine the developmental stages of Istanbul that push the boundaries of urban ecology as well as politics. It will problematize the reasons and dynamics of the consent given to the transformation of Istanbul, where ecological thresholds are exceeded with the rapidly increasing building stock in order to accommodate the ever-increasing population migrating to the city due to its commercial capacity and employment opportunities.

Gözde Orhan is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Sciences at Altinbas University, Istanbul, Turkey. Her main areas of research are urban studies, urban transformation, space, ecology, and Kurdish studies. After having completed the undergraduate degree in Economics Department at Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul in 2006, she holds a Master’s degree (2008) and a PhD degree (2017) in Modern Turkish History from Boğaziçi University.

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